Friday, May 11, 2012


All students must understand and follow the Tumaini University Examination Regulations.

Course grades are delivered from numerical scores obtained on tests, assignments, and examinations as follows:
        Grade Numerical Scores(%) Points
          A           80  - 100              5
          B+         70  - 79               4
          B           60  - 69               3
          C           50  - 59               2
          D           40  - 49               1
          E             0  - 39               0

In special cases the course instructor, the external examiner, or the college academic board may exercise the discretion to assign course grades on the basis of a performance distribution of all members of the class.
The minimum pass mark in the Bachelor of Arts (Community Development) programme shall be “C”.

Grade Point Average (GPA)
Courses shall be weighted by multiplying the points associated with the final grade of a given course by the number of credit hours assigned to that course.  Candidates overall performance is then found by dividing the total number of course credit hours into the weighted total number of credit points of all courses taken.

Grade point average (GPA) =        Weighted Point Total for All Courses taken
                                                        Total Number of Course Credits taken

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